Radio communications policy

Updated 31-MAR-2017 Chief Carla Laville

Effective 17-Novemeber-2014 the following changes are in effect regarding group communications as well as the use of the department Gridtalkie radios:

  1. ALL radio traffic is to be conducted on either the district Dispatch channel or Fire-1 except when calling in mutual aid. When calling mutual aid we will switch to the SL-EMA frequency.
  2. SL-EMA "Firecom" will no longer "tone out" over any GMARS frequency for any reason; Firecom will be limited to dispatching us out via the official Dispatch channe
  3. Regarding the need for additional "tones" for any call: the "second page" or alert will be the final call out in both the group and over the radio
  4. Mutual aid assistance can be called for on the SL-EMA channel or via the SLIAFF group
Regarding calling mutual aid:

We currently have as needed mutual aid agreements with both West Metro Fire Protection District and the New Horizons Fire Department (ARFF Division). They are to be called first if available.  Mutual aid is to be requested through Firecom (if available) and they will contact the appropriate departments. Our mutual aid arrangements will be called out through the new The Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (M.A.B.A.S) group first.  Chief Lilly Laville, Chief Carla Laville, Captain Solo, and Dispatcher Roxy Rimgale have been added to that group and they are authorized to call for mutual aid.

Mutual aid may be called out in the SLIAFF Group but on a secondary basis (no one from the M.A.B.A.S. Group responds or is available).

The new The Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (M.A.B.A.S) group:
The officers of the new M.A.B.A.S. group have been given a copy of our finalized mutual aid guide sheet. Firecom also has been given a copy of this. So please take a moment to refresh the alert numbers for each type of mutual aid needed.

When requesting mutual aid through Firecom you may just ask for what you need (personnel, specific equipment, etc.). Firecom will then "translate" that into the appropriate M.A.B.A.S. alert number. This is in order to "lessen" the amount of information given out over the radio.

Mutual aid operations frequencies:
Secondary-GMARS1(if requesting a department we have not assigned the EMA channel to)

*****Gridtalke Radio Setup Instructions*****

1) With your FRFD tag, click the RED grid talkie giver box located in any of our stations

2) Rez and Unpack the box

3) Select the style you wish to wear
The Ear-bud and Blue-tooth are less noticeable, the other models are full sided radios.
Note - only wear one at a time and you have to setup each model that you will wear individually

4) To setup the grid talkie, add the style you have chosen to your avi (You must be wearing the FRFD tag to use the radio)

5) You should get a dialog box, select tuner b, and then select FIRE-1

6) Click on the radio you are wearing, you should get the same dialog box

7) Select Tuner C and then select SL-EMA

Your tuners should now be as follows:

Tuner A (Channel /11) - Dispatch (All Firelands Departments Share this Channel)

Tuner B (Channel /12) - FIre-1 (FRFD Only)

Tuner C (Channel /13) - SL-EMA (Mutual Aid Departments Shared Channel)

8) To set your handle edit the following command and copy/paste into local - replace your badge number, rank and name as applicable

/11 sethandle [FRFD] #38xx F/F Name

9) Test all three channels with another member of the department

When you first wear the radio, it should initialize and give you a listing of its settings.  If it fails to initialize, try taking it off and putting it back on again, remember you must be wearing the group tag and only wear 1 radio at a time.

If you have other huds/equipment that use the same channels or the legacy channels ( /3 /4 and /5) you may need to alter the channels of your other equipment if possible.  You can disable the legacy channels on the radio with the command :

/3 legacy off

GridTalkie Mutual Aid radios:
These follow a similar setup method to the standard GridTalkie. With these radios please make sure to set your handle in this manner:
/3 sethandle [Firelands RFD] #38xx F/F Name

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